Sunday, June 28, 2009


June 28, 2009. One of the mistake I made the last time and also the first time I put entry on this 10 minutes blog writing was being too conscious about the mistake I made when typeing rather than letting my thought flow like in the movie of "Finding Forrester".

that was the reason why I was able to type so slow instead of having a longer version of the journalbeing typed , well maybe 10 to 20% more. But instead, as I typed, I began to find out tat the other side of my brain keep coming up with excuse or worry that it was typo or the sentence context was not wright with the words I use. and there was the what if i was wrong in using this words, punctuation mark, or was it a run on sentence. Well, at least you can get the idea of what I am talking about.

Wrigintg the blog is not as bad as I first thought and it was not as great as I'd intended to be.

So the writing on this journal is being typed as fast as I can and not worry about the syntax error or any of those. As you can tell by reading it by now. What I would like to accomplish is to type as fast as my thought can catch up with my writing. Does this even sound clear at this point?

I love nothing better than to have a clear thought with no cloud above my thought that would slow it for its logic or thinking creatively as the way it should. I mena who care if you mess up your typeing when all you are intende d to do is to type as fast as you can.

Wow, more than 7 minutes had passec and I was able to get to this far. I feel kind of excitied about this new experiment that I am conducting and hope and can't wiat until the next time to reread what the hell I just type and see how many errors I just made without worry to be perfect. After all, if I am Ernest hamingway or Steven King, or J. R. Tolkien I just I wouldn't have this kind of problem...or would I?

One minutes to go and I feel kind of like a kid rushing to the street chasing the ice cream truck dfuringthe summmer day and hope that the truck will stop so I can get a treat.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Ten Minutes Daily Journal

Today is June 26, 2009. It is 10:02PM right now as I attempt to write down my first entry journal.

It is not going to be as easy as it seems since it has been a long time since I last wrote anything for ten minutes a day without worrying about using the right words or sentences for the writing.

Anyway, the purpose of this blog is for my own observation, thinking, opinion and self express as a way to develop my own writing skills and to improve and reevaluate everything that I experience during the day.

So far it has already taken 3 minutes to write up to here. Talk about slow and need for alot of room for improvement for sure.

The whole goal for this blog is to help myself improve in my writing which I have long been waiting for and yet everytime as I try to do it, I always ended up with some kinds of times constraint that I was unable to do it. Today, is going to be difference, because it is the beginning of an end of that excuse once and for all.

I will go into details about this blog more as I am improving in my writing skill as well as style. It is not as easy to write as fast as the movie which I saw a few days ago about "Finding Forrester" where the character who Sean Cornory. Time up.